The Mustachioed Machismo of Rajasthani Turbans

The Turbans of Rajasthan 

Why are these fine figures of Rajasthan manhood looking so sad and wistful? Their Turbans are splendid and beautifully wrapped. Their moustaches luxuriant and attest to their unquestioned masculinity.They are rakish men-of-the-world with insouciant twinkles in their eyes.

Is it because they are contemplating prospective partners that have been chewing too much paan or are too skinny?

Is it perhaps turban-envy….
Is my turban big enough? 
Sure the dude from Bundi has a really big turban…but could he be stuffing it with socks? What about a tassle – or two?

Will the chicks really be so superficial? Don’t they always say size doesn’t matter?
What if I henna my hair?


2 thoughts on “The Mustachioed Machismo of Rajasthani Turbans

  1. I think some Indian bling around the neck would better serve to enhance an already throughly splendid picture of exotic beauty.


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